


Physical Inactivity and Adverse Health Effects: Systemic Review and Meta-analysis


王建楠(Jian-Nan Wang);李璧伊(Pi-I Lee)


身體活動 ; 久坐不動 ; 心血管疾病 ; 糖尿病 ; 肥胖 ; 代謝症候群 ; physical activity ; sedentary ; cardiovascular disease ; diabetes ; obesity metabolic syndrome




22巻1期(2015 / 01 / 25)


9 - 19




由於科技日新月異,帶來家用電器便利性與辦公室資訊化,多數上班族群屬於久坐不動型(sedentary type),長時間在電腦前操作鍵盤與滑鼠,查詢、檢核及傳送資訊以完成上級交辦任務,加上智慧型手機(intelligent cell phone)與迷你型平板電腦問世,使得身體活動機會更為降低。一旦下班後回到家裡,在用完晚餐後,大多數人便是觀賞電視節目或上網瀏覽(如社群網站、收發e-mail)。總而言之,由於生產工廠大量運用自動化設備與機器人(robot),使得從事粗重勞力之人口明顯減少,加上電器現代化、便利性大眾運輸以及電腦或電視為主之靜態休閒生活型態,使得身體活動量明顯不足,體內新陳代謝能量消耗也變少了。研究發現人們每天醒著十四到十五小時,其中百分之五十五到七十五的時間處於靜態,而所謂中等到劇烈的運動或活動,只佔清醒時間不到百分之五。相關研究顯示,靜態型生活,尤其是久坐不動,對身體健康危害甚深,即使是平日有運動習慣亦然。2014年7月美國心臟協會期刊發表,久坐型生活型態者之潛在健康風險,包括高血壓、過重或肥胖、癌症與心臟血管疾病等,而每天看3小時以上電視的人,其早死風險為較少看電視者的2倍。另一項澳洲昆士蘭大學的研究報告,分析八千八百名澳洲人收看電視習慣,算出二十五歲以上的成年人每看一小時電視,平均壽命就減少二十二分鐘,每天看六小時電視的人,平均壽命比完全不看電視的人短了五年。大多數相關研究觀察到身體活動量不足與肥胖的確有獨立相關性存在,若身體活動不足且能量消耗較少,則罹患肥胖症之風險相對增加不少。流行病學指出肥胖症的人死亡率較高,也較易罹患高血壓、高胰島素血症(hyperinsulinemia)、葡萄糖失耐(glucose intolerance)、第二型糖尿病、血脂異常(dyslipidemia)(如高三酸甘油酯血症、高密度脂蛋白膽固醇過低等)、冠狀動脈心臟疾病、膽囊疾病、慢性阻塞呼吸道疾病、癌症與退化性關節炎、高尿酸血症與痛風等慢性疾病。代謝症候群(metabolic syndrome)評量指標包括血壓、空腹血糖、血清三酸甘油酯、血清高密度脂蛋白膽固醇、腰圍等,亦和缺乏身體活動息息相關,符合三項或三項以上即符合定義(參考表三),其罹患糖尿病與心血管疾病較常人高出好幾倍。


Most of the modern work style belongs to the sedentaty type, it meant sitting before the computer with the sliding-mouse or keyboard all day long for checking and transmitting information. Off work and back to home, after they ate dinner, most people just watched TV or on the internet. Due to machine auto-mation and robots-assisted, hard-work population reduced dramatically, the amount of physical activity decreased and energy consumption reduced. Related studies pointed out that time of daily wake-up was 14-15 hours, about 55-75% belonged to sedentaty type, moderate to vigorous exercise or activity only 5%. In June of 2014, American heart association revealed that potential health risk of sedentary lifestyle, including hypertention, overweight or obesity, cancer and cardiovascular disease etc., premature death doubling when compared who every day watching 3 hours TV with few watching time. Most studies observed that obesity is associated with physical inactivity independently. For those who less energy consumed and physical inactive, relative risk of obesity increased. Epidemiological studies also pointed out that mortality rate of obesity was relatively high, also tendered to acquired hyper-tention, hyperinsulinemia, glucose intolerance, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, gall bladder disease, chronic obstructive lung disease, cancer and degenerative arthritis etc. The assessment of metabolic syndrome included blood pressure, fasting blood sugar, serum triglyceride level, HDL, and waist circumference, also related with insufficient physical activity. According to Table 3 listed, for those who had more than or equal to 3 items, we might classify as metabolic syndrome. For those people with metabolic syndrome, risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease increased several times.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫院管理與醫事行政