


The Change Process and the Embedded Cultural Meanings of a Structural-Strategic Approach Family Therapy




賈紅鶯(Hong-Ying Chia);陳秉華(Ping-Hwa Chen);楊連謙(Lien-Chien Yang)


結構-策略家族治療 ; 改變過程 ; 文化 ; structural-strategic family therapy ; change process ; culture




16卷1期(2003 / 03 / 01)


71 - 124






The purpose of this study was to discover a family therapy change process based on the structural-strategic approach. The parents with their adolescent daughter who suffered from sleeping problem and alcoholism came to a local mental hospital in Taipei for help. A family therapist provided twenty family therapy sessions to the family. Each session tray attn hoar long and it lasted for 9 months. The entire family therapy process was video-taped, transcribed and analyzed by a research team including the researcher, the therapist and an observer. A qualitative interpretive microanalysis method was employed in data analysis procedures. The major findings were organized into three parts: the therapist's interventions. the movement of the therapy process, and the social and cultural meanings embedded in the therapy process. Categories of intervention skills were discovered including jointing, challenging the family structure and the perception of family problem, developing therapeutic alliance, and employing strategic intervention skills. The movement of the therapy process was followed by helping family members join into the family, developing trusting and collaborative working relationship, accommodating the symptom and challenging the family relationship, changing the couple relationship. facilitating the change and closing the therapy Symptom, family structure, and interwoven were interwoven in the therapy process. The social-cultural meanings embedded tar the process including togetherness of the family. independence and concerning too much for cacti other, hierarchical family structure. preserving face, and gender issue tar the faintly. The family therapist performed behaviors accommodated die cultural norms. These behaviors included honoring and inviting father's participation, respecting the patriarchy funnily system and elders in the family, and lace saving. It was, also found that the therapist's interventions not only aimed for changing the family system but also the adolescent patient's symptom because the family paid great attention to symptoms. The findings were discussed and the implications of the study were addressed at the end

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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