


Resource Change and Psychological Symptoms of People after the 912 Earthquake in Taiwan




許文耀(Wen-Yau Hsu);曾幼涵(Yo-An Tzeng)


資源保留理論 ; 資源流失 ; 資源獲得 ; conservation of resources theory ; resources loss ; resources gain




16卷2期(2003 / 06 / 01)


1 - 19




本研究欲瞭解九二一地震災民的資源流失或獲得對其心理症狀的影響,以及資源變化與心理症狀間的關係。本研究利用兩個測量點的追蹤研究,期間相隔半年,共收集239份有效樣本的資料。研究結果發現資源流失愈多的災民,其後續的心理症狀就愈多,而資源獲得者則能減少心理症狀的發生。以階層迴歸分析法的結果顯示控制了第一時間點的心理症狀後,第一時間點的資源流失仍可有效地預測第二時間點的心理症狀變化,但是控制了第一時間點的資源流失後,第一時間點的心理症狀則無法有效預測第二時間點的資源改變。本研究結果支持資源保留理論(conservation of resources theory)所強調的觀點-資源流失對心理適應的影響陸,但是該理論認為資源獲得對心理適應的影響性不及资源流失,本研究結果則不見得支持此種看法。對於此點,本研究認爲資源獲得對心理適應具有直接的影響性。


This study examines how the resources loss/gain influences the psychological symptoms of people after the 921 earthquake in Taiwan. This study also examines the relation of resources change and psychological symptoms. Using the longitudinal study, this study measures 239 subjects at two naves that lagged a half year. The results show resources losses increase the subjects' psychological symptoms, but resources gains decrease the subjects' psychological symptoms. From the results of hierarchical regression analysis, after controlled the psychological symptoms at wave 1. resources losses at wave 1 predict the psychological symptoms at wave2. But controlled the resources losses at wave 1, the psychological symptoms at wave 1 can't significantly predict the resources losses at wave 2. This study supports COR theory emphasizing resources loss will significantly influence subject's adaptation. This study emphasizes that resources gain will also directly influence the subject's adaptation, but COR theory does not concern this point.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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