


Research on Therapeutic Effects of A Family Exploration Group with Satir Model – A Participants' Perspective




卓紋君(Wen-Chun Cho);黃創華(Chuang-Hua Huang)


薩提爾模式 ; 團體治療 ; 團體治療因素 ; Satir model ; group counseling ; therapeutic factors




16卷3期(2003 / 09 / 01)


31 - 59




本研究依據薩提爾的理念設計了一個短期、連續三個週六,總時數達二十小時的家庭探源團體,參加成員有十八位社區女性,年齡介於20至54歲之間。研究者採用事後焦點團體訪談探討此團體的成效,並以Yalom (1985)的團體治療因素量表(七點量尺)分析此團體的療效因素。分析成員自陳的結果發現:短期薩提爾模式團體對成員知覺自己的溝通模式最有幫助,對成員瞭解或轉化溝通型態也有幫助;但整體而言,(一)在知覺自己的模式和實際付出行動間仍稍有差距,(二)短期薩提爾模式團體對成員生活規條的轉化或選擇有幫助,(三)短期薩提爾模式團體對成員改善人際關係有幫助。(四)短期薩提爾模式團體對部份成員提升自我價值感有幫助。本研究也發現此團體有效的治療因素依序為:1.存在的因素,2.自我的瞭解,3.團體凝聚力及家庭經驗的矯正性重現並列,4.普遍性,5.注入希望,6.情緒宣洩,7.認同仿效,8.人際學習,9.利他性,10.資訊傳遞。此結果反映出短期薩提爾模式家庭探源團體最重要的治療因素是存在的因素,此與薩提爾所說的自我價值的重建(我是我自己)頗有關連。研究者據此結果加以討論,並提出研究的方向與實務應用的重點。


This study aims to explore to what degree and what aspects that a family exploration group counseling based on Satir-model is helpful to the members. Eighteen females whose age were between 20 and 54, in Kaohsiung participated a three weeks, 20 hours in total, growth group. The results showed that the group counseling helped the members in many aspects. Firstly, group members reported an increase in awareness of their communication stances, family rules, and how their family of origin had influenced their life. Secondly, some members improved their relationships with significant others as well as transformed their family rules and expanded their views for choices they had. Thirdly, some members enhanced their self-esteem. It was also found that existential factor is the most reported therapeutic factor for the group. The limitations of this study were discussed, some suggestions for future research and group counseling with Satir model were addressed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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