


The Affective Consequences of Different Self-Construals and Satisfaction with Different Life-Domains-A Study of Taiwanese Female Teachers in Kindergarten




韓貴香(Kuei-Hsiang Han)


自我概念 ; 獨立我 ; 相依我 ; 幸福感 ; 正向情感 ; self-construal ; independent self ; interdependent self ; subjective well-being ; positive affection




16卷4期(2003 / 12 / 01)


1 - 22






This study examined the role of one's interdependent (int-) and independent (ind-) self-construals on the effect of satisfaction with different life domains, especially on positive and negative affections. Participants' positive and negative affections could be predicted by the satisfaction with both int- and ind- life domains if they possessed ”high int-/high ind-” self-construal. Satisfaction with int- life domains could predict participants' affection if they were ”high int-/low ind-”. Only Dissatisfaction with ind- life domains could predict the negative affection for ”low int-/high ind-”. However, participants low in int- self-construal were also high in positive affection when they were satisfied with int- life domains. Altogether, findings of this study suggest that satisfaction with ind- and int- life domains might have divergent affective consequences across different self-construals.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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