
Development and Psychometric Properties of the Self-Evaluation Profile Inventory for Chinese Chronically Disabled Patients






翁嘉英(Chia-Ying Weng);王文中(Wen-Chung Wang);吳英璋(Yin-Chang Wu)


自尊 ; 臨床晤談 ; 文化差異 ; 測驗發展 ; self-esteem ; clinical interview ; culture difference ; test development




16卷4期(2003 / 12 / 01)


83 - 109




本研究旨在建立失能性慢性病患的自我評價量表,並進行其信效度考驗。首先,以深度訪談獲得患者之自我評價內容,再將逐字稿進行內容分析,並參酌研究者多年的臨床經驗,而得到八個自我評價內容向度。這八個向度又進一步群聚成「個人導向」與「社會導向」兩個範疇,前者包含接著本研究依據訪談結果編製70題的初步版本,預試於52位慢性病人和147位一般成人。經題目鑑別度、內部一致性、與因素分析選題。在「個人導向」範疇得到生命意義、健康狀態、生涯展望、與個人能力四個因素,在「社會導向」範疇得到社會地位、家人支持、回報能力、與家庭責任四個因素。將39個題目的最後版本,施測於82名患者與84名正常對照組,結果顯示該量表具有良好之信效度,全量表信度為 .94,各分量表信度為 .73~.85。與Rosenberg的Self-Esteem Scale之效標關連效度,全量表為 .82,各分量表為 .33~.73。最後,本文並就東西方文化差異對自我評價內涵所造成之影響進行討論。


The purpose of this study is to develop an inventory that measures important domains of self-esteem for Chinese chronically disabled patients. Through in-depth interviews, this study identifies eight major domains that constitute self-esteem of Chinese chronically disabled patients, which can be further grouped into the individual-oriented and social-oriented dimensions. A self-evaluation profile inventory was developed to measure these eight domains. The draft version of the 70-item inventory was administered to 52 chronic patients and 147 normal adults. Through item discrimination, internal consistency, and factor analyses, 39 items were kept. Four factors were identified under the individual-oriented dimension, which were Life Meaning, Health Status, Career Outlook, and Competence. Another four factors were identified under the social-oriented dimension, which were Social Status, Family Support, Ability to Repay, and Family Responsibility. This 39-item final version was administrated to 82 chronically disable patients and 84 normal adults. Results showed that the inventory has good psychometric properties:α is .94 for the whole inventory, and ranges from .73 to .85 for the eight subscales. The correlations with the Rosenberg's Self Esteem scale are .82 for the whole inventory, and range from .33 to .73 for the eight sub-scales. Culture differences in the formulation of self-esteem between western and Chinese societies are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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