


Utilizing Data from Multiple Family Members to Building Up Intergenerational Ambivalent Experiences




吳嘉瑜(Chia-Yu Wu);趙淑珠(Shu-Chu Chao)


代間關係 ; 代間矛盾 ; 配對研究 ; intergenerational relations ; intergenerational ambivalent experiences ; paired research




17卷1期(2004 / 03 / 01)


75 - 111




本研究目的欲瞭解親代與子代代間矛盾經驗內涵。本研究採用質性研究及配對研究法,訪談三個家庭中共十五位受訪者,整理出不同代間及不同性別的代間經驗,並呈現出彼此觀點相同及相異之處。研究發現如下: 親代男性在面對已婚女兒與媳婦所呈現「文化規範與情感親疏」的矛盾,以及在面對女婿與媳婦時所出現的「施展權力與維持和諧」的矛盾是最明顯的共通經驗。 親代女性在決定子代婚事上產生「保護與放手」的為難、「老年居住安排的疑慮」、「時代變遷的感慨:媳婦不能熬成婆」以及婆媳互動間存有「施展權力與維持和諧」的顧忌四者是最明顯的共通經驗。 對子代男性而言,「努力融入岳家,卻仍有情感區隔感」及糾結在原生家庭與婚姻家庭間「忠誠衝突」是最明顯的共通經驗。 對子代女性而言,對原生父母產生「有心想作而未作的愧疚感」;對公婆有「應為而未為的稚疚感」;與長輩同住所引發的「連結與衝突」的矛盾;與公婆相處所產生的「自我意願與孝親」的為難;對長輩的協助有著「依賴與自主」的抉擇難題,以及身處在不同家庭系統間所產生的「忠誠衝突」。 研究者針對前述研究結果加以討論,對彼此相同相異之處加以說明,對本土代間關係的意涵作探究,並提出對未來研究的建議。


The purpose of this research is to investigate the intergenerational ambivalent experiences between parents and adult offspring. In-depth interview of qualitative approach and paired research method were adopted. After interviewing 15 participants in 3 families, the similarities and differences of their intergenerational ambivalent experiences were integrated. The major findings are summarized as following: For a male parent, he had contradictions of ”compromise or limit” when facing his sons-in-law or daughters-in-law. He felt contradictions of ”culture norm or affectionate intimacy” when he had interactions with his daughters and daughters-in-law. These phenomena are the most common experiences. There are four phenomena as their common experiences in maternal parents: ”an unwilling acceptance” in the marriage of their descents, ”the anxiety about the living arrangement when aging”, ”the sigh of the changes of times”, and ”compromise or limit” when interacting with their daughters-in-law. For a male descent, he made effort to merge into his wife's family, but they did not view him as one of them. He had ”loyalty conflicts” between his original family and his married family. These phenomena are the most evident common experiences. For a female descent, there are six common intergenerational ambivalent experiences. First, she had a sense of guilt of ”unfulfilled intentions” about lack of close interaction with her own parents after marriage. Second, she had also a sense of guilt of ”unperformed responsibilities” about filial duty to parents-in-law. Third, she had contradictions of ”connection or conflict” about living with her elder family members. Forth, she had contractions of ”self-willing or limit” as well as compromises of ”self-willing or the pressures of compliance” when living with her parents-in-law. Fifth, there are difficulties in balancing ”dependence or independence” for family members' assistance. Finally, she had ”loyalty conflict” between different family systems. The contributions of the results are discussed and further researches are also suggested.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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