


Double Loss: An Inquiry into the Psychosocial Experiences of the 921 Earthquake Bereaved Victims




林耀盛(Yaw-Sheng Lin);吳英璋(Yin-Chang Wu)


創傷 ; 內在心理 ; 社會歷程 ; 角色抉擇 ; trauma ; intra-psyche ; social processes ; role- taking




17卷2期(2004 / 06 / 01)


1 - 41




本研究透過田野參與觀察、深度訪談法與解釋性互動論,探討「九二一」地震遭逢「家 園毀損」及有「親人罹難」雙重災變受創者的心理經驗現象。研究田野為台灣中部某受創嚴重的鄉鎮,研究時程為民國90年八月份至民國91年十二月份,為「九二一」事件屆滿兩週年至三週年之間,前後共有10戶「失親家毀」的女性受創者接受至少一次的訪談。研究發現受創者在「內在心理作用」方面,顯現的經驗現象包括「芻思」(多想少說)、「拒認」(只想不說)、「依附」(既說且想)和「昇華」(再說再想)。無論是「多想少說」或「只想不說」,當案主較少敘說受創經驗時,整體的心身適應相對欠佳。無論是「既說且想」或「再說再想」,重要的是案主得以敘說自身遭遇時,整體的心身適應相對較佳。在受創者的「社會歷程作用」方面,呈現三種經驗現象,「弱紐帶的形成」、「家園重造的彈性力」以及『「思」與「說」距離的位移』。至於受創者面對災變的「角色抉擇因應」為「豎立生活新里程碑」、「從受害者轉為助人者」和「生活信念的逆變」。進一步看,案主得已在「想」和「說」之間產生零度距離,重要的關鍵經驗轉折為「周遭他者的支持傾聽」,以及「家園原地重建」。再進一步分析,得以家園原地重建,且又有弱紐帶的形成,案主的心身適應狀況最佳。家園尚未重建,但有弱紐帶的形成,案主的心身適應不至於惡化。但家園易地重建者,案主的心身適應狀態顯得最為不佳。最後,本文提出研究概念模式,並進行相關討論。


The calamitous '921' earthquake entailed long-term systematic research on the process of posttraumatic psychological changes. This study aimed to explore the peri-disaster and post-trauma life impacts and the psychosocial experiences of the bereaved victims who faced both losing a loved one and house collapse. The method used was based upon multiple research paradigms, including participation observation, depth interview, and interpretive interactionism. Ten cases at a disastrous site of central Taiwan were interviewed at least once from August 2001 to December 2002. As the discursive data showed, it was found what the bereaved family coped against the double loss and established a form of continuing relationship that satisfied the emotional need of maintaining their ties with the deceased, including ”rumination”, ”refusal of plain explanation”, ”attachment”, and ”sublimation”. It was also found that the social processes of the traumatic experiences included ”the formation of weak tie”, ”the flexibility of family reconstruction”, and ”the displacement of the discrepancy between 'thinking' and 'telling' about the double loss encounters”. The role-taking strategy adopted to cope with the life disruption included ”the new life signpost”, ”becoming the wounded healer”, and ”the change of life beliefs”. In further analysis, we found the critical turning point from the victimization to survivorhood was the supportive social bond and the house reconstructed at the original place. Those who build their houses at non-original places were the less adaptive ones. How the victims perceived and interpreted the symbolic meaning of the renovated house was a critical life task during the posttraumatic periods. Inferred from the research, it was found that trauma is a repetitious suffering from the particular event, but it is also a continual ”leaving of its site”. It is a challenge to our understanding of the relation between trauma and pathology. Finally, a conceptual model was proposed, and the implications from the study were discussed further.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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