


Parenting Experiences of Couples with Young Children: Division of Labor and Coparenting




陳富美(Fu-Mei Chen);利翠珊(Tsui-Shan Li)


親職分工 ; 親職支持 ; 親職角色 ; 婚姻關係 ; division of labor ; coparenting ; parenting roles ; marital relations




17卷4期(2004 / 12 / 01)


1 - 28




本研究以台灣北部地區309對育有學齡前幼兒的夫妻為對象,探討夫妻在親職分工及共親職的經驗。主要的特色有三:一是將親職分工分為育兒勞務與親子教養,更細緻的討論夫妻在不同內涵的親職工作之參與狀況;二是對共親職的概念做更進一步的釐清,探討夫妻在不同面向的共親職行為。本研究的第三個特色是,以夫妻相互配對與彼此互評的方式,討論夫妻在親職經驗上的差異與婚姻滿意度的關連。 研究結果顯示,先生無論在育兒勞務或親子教養的參與程度皆顯著低於太太。在共親職的部分,夫妻在被動支持、積極抵制及消極抵制上並無差異,不過在「主動支持」的面向,先生評估太太的主動支持程度,顯著的高於太太評估先生的程度。在夫妻間的相互影響上,相較於育兒勞務為夫妻「分工」完成,親子教養更接近夫妻一起努力的「合作」狀態,至於共親職則展現出一種夫妻互為影響的雙向感受。夫妻親職參與程度的差異與婚姻滿意度未有顯著關連。不過,夫妻親職參與的知覺差異及主動支持上的不對等,與先生的婚姻滿意度有關。


The major purpose of this study was to examine the division of labor and coparenting for couples with young children. Paired data was collected from a sample of 309 couples. Couples reported their labor distribution, perceived coparental support, and their perception of marital satisfaction. Results showed that husbands shared less household chores and parenting work than wives. However, there were no significant differences in coparenting between couples, except for ‘active support” dimension. Husbands perceived more active coparental support than their wives did. Moreover, it is suggested that couples would divide their household chores, while they would both devote themselves to the parenting work. For coparental support, it is the mutual feeling perceived by the couples. In terms of parenting experiences and marital satisfactions, there was no significant relationship found between inequalities of division of labor and marital satisfaction. However, difference in the degree of active coparental support, as well as difference in perceived contribution to chores and parenting work, was related to husbands’ marital satisfaction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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