


A Study of the Relationship between Dual-Violence Families and Child Behavior




沈瓊桃(April Chiung-Tao Shen)


婚姻暴力 ; 兒童虐待 ; 兒童行為 ; 雙重家庭暴力 ; Marital violence ; child abuse ; child behavior ; dual-violence family




18卷1期(2005 / 03 / 01)


25 - 64




研究目的:本研究旨在檢視兒童在家庭生活中,經驗到雙重家庭暴力的嚴重程度,及其與兒童在情緒與行為方面的關係。 研究方法:本研究以台北市國小五、六年級的學生為研究對象。樣本選取以分層叢集隨機抽樣的方式,針對台北市十二個行政區,每區抽取一個學校,以問卷調查的方式收集資料。預試共回收有效樣本144份;正式施測回收有效問卷為632份。本研究所使用的測量工具是自編的問卷,共包括五個部分:基本資料、「父母衝突量表」、「兒童感受量表」、「父母管教方式」與「兒童行為量表」。 研究結果:1.受雙重暴力兒童佔研究樣本12.7%,顯示有超過十分之一的兒童在家庭生活中曾經看到父母之間的肢體暴力,也曾遭受父母的肢體暴力,是家庭暴力的雙重受害者。兒童目睹婚暴與受肢體暴力之間有顯著的正相關(r=.45)。2.兒童目睹婚暴與受暴程度有其性別差異。男童目睹婚暴程度、受父母肢體暴力程度、以及受雙重暴力的程度,皆顯著地高於女童。3.受雙重暴力兒童之外向性行為(攻擊、違規行為)與內向性行為(憂鬱、恐懼焦慮及退縮)的嚴重程度皆高於受暴兒童、目睹婚暴兒童、與一般兒童。4.影響兒童外向性行為的顯著因素包括:遭受父母言語暴力程度、性別、代罪羔羊、目睹父母言語暴力程度。內向性行為的預測因素包括:遭受父母言語暴力程度、代罪羔羊、受雙重暴力程度。正向性行為的預測因素包括:代罪羔羊、親職化、性別、年級。本文最後根據研究結果提供建議。


Objectives: The objectives of this study were to examine the severity of marital violence and child maltreatment experienced by children in these families, as well as their association with children's behavior and emotional functioning. Methods: Participants in this study were 632 fifth-and sixth-grade students from 12 primary schools obtained from a proportionate stratified community sample in Taipei. The sample was stratified by 12 districts in Taipei City to increase representativeness. Data were collected through a questionnaire including five parts: demographics, Marital Conflict Scale, Children's Perception Scale, Child Maltreatment Scale, and Child Behavior Scale. Results: (1) Of the participants, 12.7% both witnessed physical marital violence and experienced physical child violence in family. The correlation between witnessing marital violence and experiencing physical violence is .45. (2) Boys and girls exhibited different adjustment problems. Boys had significantly higher exposure to marital violence and physical violence. Boys scored significantly higher on externalizing behavior problems. (3) There are significant differences in children's positive, externalizing, and internalizing behaviors among the following four groups: children experiencing no family violence, children witnessing marital violence, children experiencing physical violence, and children who were both witnesses and victims. (4) The significant predictors of children's externalizing behaviors include: the degree of child's experience of parents' verbal violence, gender, scapegoat, and the degree of child's exposure to verbal marital violence. The significant predictors of children's internalizing behaviors include: the degree of child's experience of parents' verbal violence, scapegoat, and the degree of exposure to both marital violence and physical child violence. The significant predictors of children's positive behaviors include: scapegoat, parentification, gender, and grade. Suggestions are made according to the research findings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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