


Explore the Ethical Issues in Counseling for Prenatal Genetic Test




蔣欣欣(Hsien-Hsien Chiang);喻永生(Yeong-Seng Yuh);余玉眉(Yu-Mei(Yu) Chao)


基因科技 ; 產前遺傳諮詢 ; 產前母血唐氏症篩檢 ; 專業關係 ; 互為主體性 ; genetic technology ; prenatal genetic counseling ; maternal serum screening ; professional relationships ; intersubjectivity




18卷1期(2005 / 03 / 01)


65 - 86






The aim of prenatal testing is to enhance the detection rate for Down's syndrome; however there is a tension between the goals of reproductive choice and the prevention of the birth within a family of a child who would has a disability. The aim of this study was to explore the way of informing clients of prenatal testing and the ethical issues associated with genetic counseling. Using participant observation and in-depth interviews, this study examined the experiences of women who had received positive results for maternal serum screening and who followed this up with amniocentesis, of women who had given birth to a child with Down's syndrome and of obstetricians, nurses, and genetic counselors. This study identified three positions associated with the professional roles involved in the process of prenatal genetic counseling. These included, first, the professional status constructed by health system and knowledge of genetics, second, the lived experiences of pregnant women in genomic era, and third, the intersubjectivity in prenatal genetic counseling. In conclusion, this study offers insights into the effects of prenatal screening on disability, informed consent for prenatal testing, and person-centered prenatal counseling.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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