


The Effects of Single-Session and Multiple-Session Telephone Counseling for Smoking Cessation




張德聰(Te-Chung Chang);潘瑞香(Ruei-Shiang Pan);張景然(Ching-Jan Chang)


吸菸 ; 戒斷 ; 復發 ; 電話諮商 ; abstinence ; relapse ; smoking ; telephone counseling




19卷3期(2006 / 09 / 01)


213 - 229






The present study examined the follow-up effects of two types of telephone counseling service based on the data of ”Taiwan Smokers' Helpline”. The lower intensity counseling consisted of only one session. The higher intensity counseling included the same initial session plus an average of seven additional sessions. We tested the hypothesis that multiple sessions of counseling would produce a higher abstinence rate among participants than would a single session. The results of the multiple-session group were significantly better than the single-session group regarding cessation rates, self-efficacy, days of cessation, and continuous one-, three- six-months abstinence rates. Multiple sessions did produce significantly higher abstinence rates compared with a single-session.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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