


The Psychological Process of Nurses toward Patient's Corpse Care in Non-hospice Wards




曾美珠(Mei-Chu Tseng);李燕蕙(Yen-Hui Lee)


非安寧病房護理人員 ; 病患死亡 ; 遺體護理 ; 心理歷程 ; non-hospice ward nurses ; patient's death ; corpse care ; psychological process




19卷4期(2006 / 12 / 01)


395 - 415






Purpose: Although dying is a natural movement of life, the issue of death is considered as a taboo to most people. However, Face patient's death is a real and essential process for nurses. The purpose of this study was to explore the psychological process of nurses toward corpse care. Methods: The participants of this study were recruited from nurses who had worked in general ward of a hospital in middle Taiwan. The study was conducted by hermeneutic approach of qualitative research method, using in-depth unstructured interviews for data collection. Results: The result of analysis was presented through a variety of aspects as follows: the corpse care and new staff nurses reality shock, death of taboo and thought of ghost, facing and adjusting process of corpse care. Conclusions: The study was attempting to understand the nurse's feeling associated with corpse care. Nurses had to reflect and deal with their feelings first, then it would be easier for them to facing patient's death and corpse care. Finally, based on the findings of this study, several suggestions were made for further research and training of nurse's education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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