


A Study of Different Resources of Online Social Support, Pathological Internet Use and Loneliness for University Freshman




方紫薇(Tzu-Wei Fang)


社會支持 ; 網路沉迷 ; 孤寂感 ; social support ; pathological internet use ; loneliness




21卷2期(2008 / 06 / 01)


139 - 168






Purpose: This study was focused on the following four subjects: 1. to explore the main resources which provide social-support on-line. 2. To compare the difference of various variables between the primary and secondary online support system, which they choose. 3. To study the difference of social-support functions and the amount of time of Internet-activity among the high-and low- loneliness and excessive-Internet-use groups. 4. To examine the effects of the amount of time of Internet-activity, social-support functions and loneliness on the score of pathological Internet uses. Methods: The study was conducted to a survey of 312 freshmen that are using Internet. Results: The results indicate that freshmen usually receive social support from familiar good friends and family members. In addition, those who get social-support from primary support system perceive more social-support from their support provider. However, those who get social-support from secondary support system spend more time on play game, design and maintain homepage, and blog. Loneliness is the strongest factor that can predict the score of pathological Internet use. Finally, the high-loneliness groups feel receiving less social-support and not being accepted than those of the low–loneliness groups. The high-pathological Internet use groups feel unaccepted but more social-support than those of the low-pathological Internet use groups. Conclusions: The high-loneliness students spend more time on Internet, but percept less social-support. The result of this research may provide some useful suggestion to teachers, parents, and counselors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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