


Are Sexual Aggressors Immersed in Hostile-Sexual Misperception?




黃健(Chien Huang)


性犯罪 ; 敵意 ; 性 ; 認知基模 ; 錯覺關連 ; sexual offense ; hostility ; sex ; cognitive schema ; illusory correlation




22卷3期(2009 / 09 / 01)


241 - 267






Purpose: Hostility and sex are important inter-connected schemas for sexual offenders that affect the way they perceive and judge incoming information. This study explores the characteristics of hostility and sex, and the connection between them, which underlie personal cognitive structure. Methods: The study had 2 parts, the pretest and the actual experiment. Appropriate word stimuli were selected during the pretest stage of the procedure. All participants were Taiwanese. A sample of 41 sexual offenders (mean age 31) and 13 adult men from the general population (mean age 36) completed free association on target words. Another sample of 30 sexual offenders (mean age 28) and 29 general adult men (mean age 33) evaluated these words' associative strength to sex and hostility. The actual experiment utilized an illusory correlation method to compare the responses of 42 sexual offenders (mean age 29), 49 violent offenders (mean age 31), and 58 general adult men (mean age 31) on a recognition confidence and a frequency estimation task in a series of word pairings. Results: Sexual offenders' recognition confidence on hostility-sex word pairings was significantly higher than the general adult male group. The violent offenders’ recognition confidence on hostility-neutral word pairings was significantly higher than the general adult male group. Both the sexual and violent offenders' recognition confidence on sex-neutral word pairings were significantly higher than the general adult male group. Moreover, both the sexual and violent offenders displayed over-estimation with hostility and sexual schema-related word pairings. The two offender groups did not significantly differ in the frequency estimation task. Conclusions: The results partially supported the proposed hypotheses. Sexual offenders' cognitive structures in which hostility and sex schemas are inter-connected were significantly stronger than those of the general adult male respondents. However, no significant difference was found between the sexual offenders and the violent offenders.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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