


The Relationship between Long-Term Orientation and Psychological Adjustment




余思賢(Szu-Hsien Yu);林以正(Yi-Cheng Lin);黃金蘭(Chin-Lan Huang);黃光國(Kwang-Kuo Hwang);張仁和(Jen-Ho Chang)


內在動機 ; 長程取向思維 ; 心理適應 ; 時間觀 ; intrinsic motivation ; long-term orientation ; psychological adjustment ; time perspective




23卷3期(2010 / 09 / 01)


347 - 375






Purpose: Long-term orientation (LTO) is defined as the extent to which an individual interprets current life experiences with an extended time horizon. It can be past-oriented or future-oriented. We constructed an LTO scale based on Chinese culture and used it to examine the relationship between LTO and psychological adjustment and to test possible mediation and suppression processes. Methods: In Study 1, 113 National Taiwan University undergraduates evaluated their future-oriented LTO, current satisfaction of basic psychological needs, and psychological adjustment. In Study 2, 269 National Taiwan University undergraduates evaluated their past- and future- oriented LTO, tendency to be judgmental, and their psychological adjustment. Results: Study 1 revealed that participants who reported a higher future-oriented LTO had more need satisfaction (i.e., their intrinsic motivation in the learning domain was higher), which corresponded to improved psychological adjustment. Study 2 replicated the relationship between future-oriented LTO and positive psychological adjustment, and found that although past-oriented LTO was positively correlated with future-oriented LTO, it was also related to the tendency to be judgmental, resulting in inconsistent prediction of psychological adjustment. Conclusions: The results suggest that LTO relates to psychological adjustment through increasing intrinsic motivation. However, the relationship between past-oriented LTO and psychological adjustment is much more complicated. The beneficial effect of past-oriented LTO on psychological adjustment is only evident when excluding the covariate effects of judgmental tendency.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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