


Content Analysis and Cluster Analysis of the Websites of Counseling Clinics and Psychotherapy Clinics in Taiwan




葉寶玲(Pao-Ling Yeh)


心理諮商所 ; 心理治療所 ; 內容分析 ; 集群分析 ; 網站 ; Cluster analysis ; Content analysis ; Counseling clinic ; Psychotherapy clinic ; Website




25卷4期(2012 / 12 / 01)


575 - 605






Purpose: This study examined the contents of counseling clinics' and psychotherapy clinics' websites in Taiwan. Methods: The targets of investigation were the websites of 39 certified counseling clinics and psychotherapy clinics in Taiwan. The 4 virtual spaces of the ICDT model (information space, communication space, distribution space, and transaction space), were used to categorize the contents of the websites, which were then analyzed with content analysis and cluster analysis. Results: The results revealed: 1) the websites focus on information and communication rather than transaction and distribution; 2) the websites provide the best information on how to get help, introduction to their operations, and directions, and least on career and promotions; 3) some sites have the function of online reservations, but it is not common; 4) some sites distribute publications, which are all the works of the clinic directors; 5) the counseling clinic websites fell into 3 types: resource-oriented, communication-oriented, and transaction de-emphasized. The psychotherapy clinics websites could also be categorized into 3 types: multi-oriented, resource-oriented, and distribution de-emphasized. Conclusions: Counseling clinics' and psychotherapy clinics' website contents should move toward service diversification to provide transaction and distribution services.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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