


Correlations between Stress, Coping Strategies, and Gender in Students: A Meta-Analysis




陳瑋婷(Wei-Ting Chen)


學生 ; 壓力 ; 因應策略 ; 性別 ; 後設分析 ; students ; stress ; coping strategies ; gender ; meta-analysis




26卷3期(2013 / 09 / 01)


347 - 369




研究目的:有鑑於過往研究指出壓力、因應策略與性別間息息相關,本研究進一步探討國內國小至大專階段學生在不同層面壓力、不同層面因應策略與性別的關聯性。研究方法:本研究自1991至2010年間蒐集124篇相關原始研究報告及89,844位研究對象,並透過後設分析逐一回答研究問題。研究結果:在壓力與因應策略關聯性方面,本研究僅發現總體壓力與逃避延宕因應策略具有正相關(r=.33)。在壓力與性別差異方面,學生的感情壓力與家庭壓力並未有性別差異,其中感情壓力與性別的無關聯是受到教育階段變項的影響。在因應策略與性別關聯性方面,本研究發現學生在總體因應策略、問題解決、逃避延宕與情緒宣洩等使用上均無性別差異,但女學生較男學生更常運用尋求支持因應策略(r =-.08)。此外教育階段變項是形成問題解決因應策略無性別差異的調節因子。研究結論:建議實務工作者宜參考研究結果,在考量各教育階段下不同性別學生的特質異同後協助學生緩解壓力並有效應用因應策略。


Purpose: Previous research has indicated that stress, coping strategies, and gender correlate with each other. This study examined these correlations. Methods: A total of 124 studies sampling Taiwanese students from elementary school through college from 1991 to 2010 (N=89,844) met the coding criteria for inclusion. Meta-analyses were applied to explore the results. Results: The correlation between overall stress and ”avoidance and postponing” coping strategies was significantly positive (r=.33). The correlation between romantic stress and gender was not significant when controlling for the moderating effect of school level. In addition, gender differences in family stress were also not found. The correlation between support-seeking coping strategies and gender was significantly negative (r=-.08), meaning female students used sought support as a coping strategy slightly more often than male students did. However, gender differences in overall coping strategies, problem solving, avoidance, and emotional venting were non-significant. According to the homogeneity tests, the school-level moderated the impact of gender on problem-solving coping strategies. Conclusions: According to results, implications for prevention and intervention are identified and suggestions are made for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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