


The Constructive Transformation Process of Parent-Adult Child Conflict: A Mediating Analysis




葉光輝(Kuang-Hui Yeh);曹惟純(Wei-Chun Tsao)


成年子女親子衝突 ; 建設性衝突 ; 功能性衝突評估 ; 共享式衝突解決策略 ; 中介效果分析 ; parent-adult children conflict ; constructive conflict ; functional-oriented appraisal of conflict ; shared resolution strategy on conflict ; mediation effect analysis




27卷2期(2014 / 06 / 01)


173 - 199




研究目的:本研究以功能性衝突評估這一構念為核心,整合既有的青少年親子衝突正向轉化歷程理論與衝突解決策略相關研究結果,提出成人親子衝突建設性轉化歷程之基本架構,據以確認「共享式」、「自我導向式」、「自我犧牲式」三種解決策略中,是否僅共享式策略在親子衝突功能性評估對個人生活適應的影響路徑上扮演中介角色。研究方法:以成年子女為研究對象,資料取自台灣社會變遷基本調查計劃六期二次家庭組問卷。基於研究目的排除父母已過世或極少與父母互動的受訪者後,實際納入分析的正式樣本共787人,平均年齡33.1歲,男性佔54%、女性佔46%。以階層迴歸分析驗證所提出的中介效果模型,並以Sobel檢定、多元中介效果比對(Preacher & Hayes, 2008,分別檢驗三種衝突解決策略各自的中介效果是否達到顯著,以及三者的中介效果是否存在顯著差異。研究結果:在控制人口背景變項的影響下,當成年子女愈能採取功能性的信念來評估親子衝突事件,愈有利於提升其整體生活福祉及親子關係品質;而在此影響歷程中,僅成年子女採取「共享式」衝突解決策略的頻率,具有顯著的中介效果。研究結論:本研究從正向角度重新界定親子衝突的理論意涵,奠定成人親子衝突建設性轉化歷程中的基本中介路徑,有助於未來深入探究其中更完整的心理運作機制。


Purpose: This study first integrates the newly-proposed concept of functional-oriented appraisal of conflict and the existing research findings on conflict resolution strategies, and then proposes a theoretical framework for the constructive transformation process of parent-adult child conflict. Based upon the proposed framework, the mediating effects of three kinds of conflict resolution strategies (shared, self-oriented, and self-sacrifice strategies) on the relationship between functional-oriented appraisal of conflict and personal adaptation were compared to verify that only shared strategy works. Methods: Data were taken from the 2011 family module of the Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS; Phase 6 Wave 2). Only respondents whose parents were still alive and who had experienced conflict with their parents at least one time in the past year were included in the final sample, which consisted of 787 Taiwanese respondents (average age 33.1 years; 54% males and 46% females). Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to confirm that the mediating effect could happen only via the path of the shared but not self-oriented or self-sacrifice resolution strategies. Further, Sobel tests were conducted to determine whether only the shared resolution strategy has a significant indirect effect and the multiple mediator analysis procedure (Preacher & Hayes, 2008) to compare the differences in the magnitude of indirect effect between the three resolution strategies. Results: When controlling for socio-demographic variables such as age, gender, educational level, marital status, monthly household income, and the degree of urbanization of residence, a functional-oriented appraisal of parent-child conflict made by adult children had significant positive influence on both personal well-being and their relationship with their parents. In addition, only the shared resolution strategies had significant mediating effects on the link between functional-oriented appraisal of conflict and the two criterion variables regarding personal adaptation. Conclusions: This study took a positive perspective on parent-child conflict and provided a new research framework. Results established the fundamental mediating path in the constructive transformation process of parent-adult child conflict, which may provide a solid basis for further investigation of other relevant psychological mechanisms constituting the constructive transformation process.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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