The four essays in this special issue are empirical studies in the field of clinical health psychology that reflect the interaction between diversity issues and methodology. The articles highlight the importance of investigating the association between metabolic syndrome and psychological factors among adults, the healing and resilience processes associated with chronic illness, and perceptions of ethical behavior by terminal cancer patients and their caregivers. Health and disease are not in opposition, especially with chronic illness. Patients can use creativity to find new norms. Caring for chronically ill patients can be more than just a stress burden. Chronic illness can be construed as a social event. It is far more complicated than what can be captured in a simple bio-medical model. Enhancing health literacy, and promoting health and health management can reduce both health problems and health costs. Facilitating a dialogue and a collaborative relationship among different disciplines, and constructing a new discourse of health psychology are the essential goals for the future.
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Stroebe, M. S.,Folkman, S.,Hansson, R. O.,Schut, H.(2006).The prediction of bereavement of outcome: Development of an integrative risk factor framework.Social Science and Medicine,63(9),2440-2451.
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Sumalla, E. C.,Ochoa, C.,Blanco, I.(2009).Posttraumatic growth in cancer: Reality or illusion?.Clinical Psychological Review,29(1),24-33.