


Psychometric Properties and Factor Structure of the Taiwan Version of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire




鄧閔鴻(Min-Hung Teng);吳翠殷(Cui-Yin Wu);張素凰(Sue-Hwang Chang);侯育銘(Yuh-Ming Hou)


賓州憂慮量表 ; 廣泛性焦慮疾患 ; 憂慮 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; Penn State Worry Questionnaire ; generalized anxiety disorder ; worry ; confirmatory factor analyses




28卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


521 - 568




研究目的:賓州憂慮量表是憂慮研究領域中時常被使用的測量工具。根據回顧,賓州憂慮量表在不同語言的版本皆有良好的心理計量特性,但是其因素結構卻仍未被釐清。此外,臺灣版賓州憂慮量表在心理計量特性和因素分析上的實徵研究亦仍有限。研究方法:本研究於2012至2014年間,將臺灣版賓州憂慮量表施測於508位受試者(廣泛性焦慮疾患患者62位、其他焦慮與憂鬱疾患92位、以及大學生354位),除了探討臺灣版賓州憂慮量表的心理計量特性,再透過探索性因素分析和驗證性因素分析了解該量表的因素結構。研究結果:臺灣版賓州憂慮量表不只具有良好的內部一致性(Cronbach’s α=.81~.89),也具有適當的幅合效度與區辨效度。同時,探索性因素分析與驗證性因素分析結果顯示,臺灣版賓州憂慮量表的因素結構可能包含一個一般憂慮因素,以及兩個因題目敘述方式不同而產生的方法因素。研究結論:臺灣版賓州憂慮量表可能為一具良好心理計量特性,並且適合測量「一般憂慮」程度的研究或臨床工具。而未來研究可能仍需要嘗試將臺灣版賓州憂慮量表施測於社區樣本,或施測於更大樣本的焦慮疾患或憂鬱疾患病患,以進一步驗證臺灣版賓州憂慮量表的因素結構。


Purpose: The Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) is frequently employed in studies on worry. It has been translated into various languages, and versions in all of these languages are characterized by satisfactory psychometric properties. However, the factor structure of PSWQ has yet to be clarified. The objective of this article is to examine the psychometric properties of the Taiwan-version PSWQ and determine its factor structure. Methods: A total of 508 participants (62 patients with generalized anxiety disorder, 92 patients with other anxiety or depressive disorders, and 354 university students) took the Taiwan-version PSWQ from 2012~2014. We used exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to examine the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Taiwan-version PSWQ. Results: The result shows that the measure exhibits favorable internal consistency (Cronbach’s α =.81~.89) and convergent and discriminative validity. In addition, the analyses indicated the factor structure of the Taiwan-version PSWQ includes only one general worry factor, and two method factors that were generated because the items were stated differently. Conclusions: This study revealed that the Taiwan-version PSWQ has satisfactory psychometric properties and is a suitable research and clinical instrument for measuring worry. Future studies are recommended to administer the Taiwan-version PSWQ to samples from communities or relatively larger samples of patients with anxiety or depressive disorders to further verify the factor structure of the Taiwan-version PSWQ.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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