


Fear of Workplace Violence among Nursing Staff in Taiwan: A Routine Activities Perspective






醫療暴力 ; 職場暴行 ; 護理人員 ; 日常活動 ; 被害恐懼感 ; medical violence ; workplace violence ; nursing staff ; routine activities ; fear of victimization




30卷2期(2017 / 06 / 01)


195 - 219




研究目的:本研究希望從環境犯罪學視角,嘗試探討「日常活動理論」對於護理人員職場暴力被害恐懼感之影響,進而提出適切的預防措施或對策。研究方法:本研究乃運用日常活動理論為研究框架,採取問卷調查法設計問卷,並利用方便抽樣法,於2015年1至2月成功地自紙本問卷與網路問卷獲得251受訪者。研究結果:在調查期間的過去一 年,高達87.6%的受訪者自陳在工作場所曾有暴力攻擊或侵害的被害經驗,在此同時,受訪者也表達出高度的職場暴力恐懼感。透過OLS迴歸模式分析後發現,女性、有被害經驗者、在急診加護單位服務者、曾接受過暴力因應訓練者、暴露在危險情境愈高者以及對於潛在性犯罪人可接近性愈高者,顯著地表達出較高的職場暴力恐懼感,但工作場域監控力愈強者和工作場域有裝設緊急通報按鈕者,顯著地表達出較低的暴力被害恐懼感。研究結論:秉持被害預防應從日常活動與工作環境之改造著手,建議提升辨識高風險病患之能力、區隔高風險病患之醫療作為、強化工作環境的監控力道以及加強醫護人員自我防護能力,期能降低護理人員職場暴力恐懼感。


Purpose: While medical violence has attracted much attention on the part of scholars and practitioners alike, little empirical research is available on fear of workplace violence within medical settings in Taiwan. This study draws on the routine activities approach to explore the levels and influence of fear of workplace violence among nursing staff in Taiwan’s medical institutions. Methods: Using convenience sampling, we collected data via mail and online surveys between January and February in 2015. As a result, a total of 251 respondents have been reached to conduct a self-administered questionnaire. Results: More than 87% of respondents reported that they had experienced some kind of workplace violence from patients or visitors in the previous 12 months prior to this survey. These respondents expressed a high level of fear of violence in workplace at 5.02 on a 6-point scale. OLS multiple regression models showed that while the variables of female, victimization, emergency room (ER) and intensive care unit (ICU), being well-trained experiences, exposure to risky patients, and accessibility to potential offenders dramatically increased the level of fear of workplace violence, workplace surveillance and the presence of an emergency alarm system significantly reduced the probability of fear of workplace violence. Conclusion: Policy implications derived from the routine activities approach are as follows: improve nurses’ ability to identify high-risk patients, separate the high-risk patients from other patients, strengthen surveillance and monitoring of the workplace, and strengthen the self-protection abilities of medical staff.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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