


Expectations of Kinmen Immigrant Women: The Mediating Effect of Social Capital on Place Attachment and Adaptation






地方依附 ; 社會資本 ; 適應 ; 新移民女性 ; 金門 ; place attachment ; social capital ; adaptation ; immigrant women ; Kinmen




32卷1期(2019 / 03 / 01)


51 - 88






Purpose: Kinmen's culture and its unique geographical location affect the household composition in Kinmen. Women immigrants compose one over sixteen families in Kinmen County. Because of the high populations of the women immigrants, the immigrant women have a significant influence in different areas in Kinmen County, which makes the study of immigrant women in Kinmen county become an interesting and challenging research topic. In this study, we investigated the mediating effect of social capital between place attachment and various aspects of life adaptation. Methods: We analyzed questionnaires completed by 589 immigrant women from Kinmen County in Taiwan. We validated the proposed model based on confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, variance analysis, and structure equation modeling. Results: The results of the analysis indicated that (1) social capital mediates between place attachment and cultural adaptation and between place attachment and life adaptation, and (2) social capital partially mediates between place attachment and psychological adaptation. Conclusions: This research discovers, in all three models, neighborhood connections dimension within social capital has the highest factor loading among three different dimensions. The root cause is women social capital is highly related to neighborhood network, and having the trust and social relationship between neighborhoods is one of the critical factors deciding whether the immigrants can successfully settle down in Kinmen County. In short, this research shows the importance of social capital to women immigrants in Kinmen County.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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