


"Respect Words Pavilion" and "The Ceremony of Sending Paper Ash" in Taipei, Taiwan




施順生(Shun-Sheng Shih)


臺北市 ; 敬字亭 ; 敬字惜紙 ; 恭送聖蹟 ; 送字紙 ; 文字 ; 紙張 ; 鄉土文化 ; Taipei ; Respect Words Pavilion (Jing-Zi Ting) ; Respect Words and Papers ; The Ceremony of Sending Paper Ash ; Send Paper Ash ; Word ; Paper ; Local culture




24期(2012 / 04 / 01)


63 - 98






The total number of known Respect Words Pavilion (Jing-Zi Ting) in Taipei is four. However, after my investigation in this research paper, I have found that there are eight existing in total with one still under investigation. The first two pavilions are located at Taipei's Shilin district, at the Zhishanyan Huiji Temple (Jing-Zi Ting) and Soochow University (Xi-Zi Lu). Believers still perform the burning ceremony at the first temple, whereas the later is no longer used for this purpose. The rest of the pavilions have been destroyed: ● One Respect Words Pavilion situated at the Shilin Shennong Temple Shilin district ● Two Respect Words Pavilions situated at Talungtung Baoan Temple Datong district ● One Respect Words Pavilion situated at Dengying shuyuan (an academy of classical learning) ● One Respect Words Pavilion placed at the west gate of the former Taipei ● One Respect Words Pavilion located at Yuanshan park The two Respect Words Pavilions located at Talungtung Baoan Temple have been re-constructed to replicate the original design, now used purely as a landscape for educational means rather than as a place for burning papers. The other Respect Words Pavilion still under investigation is located at Xuehai shuyuan Wanhua district, but no further information has been found. The Ceremony of Sending Paper Ash during the Qing Dynasty at the west gate of Taipei were grand rituals every three years. However, during the era when Taiwan was under the rule of Japan, as part of their urban development planning, the Japanese removed the city wall including the west gate of Taipei and Dengying shuyuan, which caused the Respect Words Pavilions to cease to exist. Xuehai shuyuan was auctioned and Huiji temple's Yishu (an academy of free classical learning) was converted to a Japanese school. This caused extreme damage and destruction to the Chinese culture; leaving no trace of the traditional burning book and paper ceremonies since.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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