Abdication from Chinese history was a system of power transition. During Warring States Period, the appreciation and discussion of Abdication System sprang up. Zhuangzi school was also included. There are nine places in Zhuangzi mentioning Abdication, though they are not complete. However, in those brief discussions, Zhuangzi expressed his ideas about politics and aroused some politic moral issues. To some extent, both Mencius and Xun-zi declared that the ruler could not give the throne to another and the transition of throne should fit righteousness. On the contrary, Zhuangzi considered the politics in an individual way. He emphasizes that only exceeding the power can protect the maximum survival benefits of individual and community. Therefore, the purpose of politics is to suppress the power. He also claimed that there was a higher value beyond power and position through the narration of Abdication System. But he did not deny the need of a wise ruler or a noble man leading the world back to a moral place. Thus, the author regards that there is a unity within the Zhuangzi various comments of Abdication System. What he pursued was the concession. Concession is not transfer the crown to another person but let the world rule itself, which also goes beyond Abdication System of Confucianism.