


The Study of Exegeses by Applying the "Sound Detecting Mechanism" to Explore the Meaning of Chinese Characters (in Reference to "Gushu Yiyi Julie")


王世中(Shih-Chung Wang)


《春在堂全書》 ; 《古書疑義舉例》 ; 因聲求義 ; 訓詁 ; 諧聲偏旁 ; 本字 ; Chunzaitang Quanshu ; Gushu Yiyi Julie ; sound detecting mechanism ; exegesis ; phonetic radicals ; original character




29期(2014 / 10 / 01)


219 - 237






Chinese characters are generally used to record Chinese culture in a concrete manner and utilized by scholars as a tool to achieve academic success in the past. The characteristic of Chinese character lies in its meaning which can be identified and traced not only by the shape of the character itself but also by its sound. However, many Chinese characters in ancient books are interchangeable. The interchangeability of Chinese characters has caused serious problems in the course of studies where they can be easily confused. In Ching Dynasty, many scholars were able to break through the shape limit of Chinese characters by skillfully applying the "Sound Detecting Mechanism" to find out the meaning of such and achieved tremendous success in the studies of characters, vowels, consonants and exegeses accordingly. Yu Yue was one of the representatives who successfully studied the ancient books and conducted researches on exegesis. Among his extensive portfolio of work, the book of "Gushu Yiyi Julie", which constitutes a part of the whole 500-volume "Chunzaitang Quanshu", has inductively analyzed and organized the usage of exegeses in ancient books. His achievements earned the respect and admiration of the academic community. In reference to the said book, this paper purports to discuss and explain how the "Sound Detecting Mechanism" functioned in exegeses by verifying the practical examples of firstly, the rhymes in poems for the purpose of seeking the meaning of the sentences; secondly, phonetic radicals used commonly in classical Chinese and thirdly, searching original characters from alliterations and assonances.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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