


On The "Luoyang Name Park Ji" Images of Flowers and Landscaping Aesthetics


林素玲(Su-Ling Lin)


洛陽名園記 ; 園林 ; 牡丹意象 ; 梅意象 ; 菊意象 ; Luoyang name Park Ji ; Garden ; Peony Images ; Plum Images ; Chrysanthemum Image




29期(2014 / 10 / 01)


263 - 281






Li Ge Fei wrote, "Luoyang Garden mind" at the total of 19, which was the name of the park and gardens Luoyang famous Lords Regal Park and Temple. He said that writing "Luoyang name Park Ji" is: "Rise and Fall of Luoyang, knows when the world order or disorder of the Feixing ...... garden, when the rise and fall of Luoyang, and the world of combat confusion, is that the rise and fall of Luoyang, conceivable. the rise and fall of Luoyang, that's Rise and Fall garden can be learned". You can see the history of the rise and fall of emotion, dynasties, the marshes. The Rise and Fall of Luoyang Rise and Fall Hou Yu garden. Constitute the main elements of the ancient Chinese gardens, such as flowers, trees, rock formations, rockery, winding trails, pavilions, Loft, Lake, genial, and so, this garden images formed a conception of beauty. In the "Luoyang name Park Ji" nineteen gardens, gardens of the constituent elements of images, both of which flowers such as peonies, peony, plum, peach, plum, apricot, chrysanthemum, lotus, bamboo ...... and so on, often for the poet to write in poetry being. "Luoyang name Park Ji" mood landscape beauty, beauty is the Song of the garden a fashion preferences, which can be of the Song of the Landscape Aesthetics.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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