


Guo Xiang's Doctrine of the Visible and the Invisible and Seng Zhao's Root and Traces


方靜慧/釋慧通(Fang, Ching-Hui/Shi, Hui-Tong)


跡冥論 ; 本迹 ; 郭象 ; 僧肇 ; The visible and the invisible ; Root and Traces ; Guo Xiang ; Seng Zhao




40期(2020 / 08 / 01)


135 - 149






Within the commentaries of the Buddhist scriptures passed down from the Han people, the notion of "root and traces" (本迹) is often used to interpret the texts. This is especially true in the case of Zhiyi's commentary of The Lotus Sutra, with its first section as the best example. However, the earliest usage of the notion of "root and traces" in Chinese Buddhism is found in Seng Zhao's Commentary on the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa-sūtra, where he explains the "inconceivable liberation" realm of Buddha and Bodhisattvas. It is clear that Zhiyi's usage and Seng Zhao's differ to some extent. Therefore, if one wishes to understand the changing interpretations of the notion of "root and traces" one must inevitably recall and reconstruct its roots, including an understanding of Seng Zhao; what are the origins of his usage of this kind of terminology and concept? Was he influenced by Hsüan-hsüeh (玄學) thought? Within Hsüan-hsüeh, if we take Guo Xiang's "doctrine of the visible and the invisible" (跡 冥論) as the earliest and most specific mention, terms such as "the visible" and "the invisible" are used in many places within the Commentary on the Zhuangzi in order to explain "the sayings of immortals" (神仙說), as well as to establish sagely doctrines such as that of the "inward sage, outward king" (內聖外王). What is the exact reason behind the connection between Seng Zhao's "root and traces" and Guo Xiang's "doctrine of the visible and the invisible" and what is the character of this relation? Furthermore, where is the value and distinguishing feature that each of them manifest? This investigation will result in "Spontaneous generation, Self-Transformation" (自生獨化) and "Dependent Arising, Emptiness" (緣起性空), which will help illuminate the biggest underlying difference in Guo Xiang and Seng Zhao's thoughts with regards to "root and traces".

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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