Electromagnetic emissions are radiated from every part of motherboards of personal computers, and thus electromagnetic interference (EMI) occurs. EMI has a bad effect on the surrounding environment because EMI may cause malfunctions or fatal problems of other digital devices. EMI engineers diagnose EMI problems of motherboard from the electromagnetic noise data measured by the Spectrum Analyzer. It is time consuming to find out the sources (PS2, USB, VGA, etc.) of electromagnetic noise. Rough set theory (RST) is a new mathematical approach to data analysis. This paper constructs an EMI diagnostic system based on RST. There are the following steps: Data Collection, Data Preprocessing, Descretization, Attribute Reduction, Reduction Filtering, Rule Generation, Rule Filtering, Classification, and Accuracy Calculation. Historical EMI noise data, colleted from a famous motherboard company in Taiwan, are used to generate diagnostic rules. The result of our research (average diagnostic accuracy of 80%) shows that RST model is a promising approach to EMI diagnostic support system.
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