The Ministry of Transportation and Communications had issued three concession licenses of Type Ⅰ telecommunications to Eastern Broadband Telecom, Sparq Telecom, and Taiwan Fixed Network Telecom respectively from February 2001. Counting the original Chung-Hwa Telecom, there are four telecom companies permitted to operate Type Ⅰ telecommunications business, including renting out any rate of data circuit to meet the needs of the domestic market. As a result, fierce competition soon arises in the telecommunication market. In order to attract the clients, the providers come up with various favorable sale promotions, which make chaos in the telecommunication data circuit market. On the purpose of maintaining market share and reducing the downward problem of customer moving out, the providers choose to cut down profits to retain customers. According to statistics, however, the cost for a company to gain a new customer is as much as five to tell times more value than that of retaining an old customer. Therefore, the service providers spare no effort to retain old customers. Meanwhile, they try to analyze the attitudes of the customers with data mining technique, attempting to find out customers of the possible moving out and thus help companies to propose new marketing strategies. This study mainly applied the technique of Cluster Analysis, used IBM Intelligent Miller and MALAB as tools, and analyzed the customer's withdrawal data with Neural Clustering, Demographic Clustering, and Fuzzy C-Means Clustering, then selected a best one of chum data to infer the result reasonably. The purpose is to find out the possible moving out of customers and products that are going downward in the market, and thus launches strategies against the problems. These will give an effective help to the company decision maker, particularly obvious benefits and improvements on the marketing strategy planning and the performance. According to the results of data milling, this paper finds: ⑴ In Group2, 16565 customers are high loyal customers with low profitable. ⑵ There are 31 large enterprises with high shift tendency in Group3. ⑶ In Group4, 319 customers are high loyal firms with high profitable and low shift. These results will provide the conduct of data circuits of Telecom with the bonus effect of competitiveness improvement.
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