


Management Research Paper Status Assessment and Analysis in Taiwan: A Survey from 1999 to 2003


陳禹辰(Yu-Chen Chen);簡志宏(Chi-Hong Chien);陳彥良(Yan-Lian Chen)


SCI/SSCI ; 期刊分級 ; 大學評鑑 ; 學門評鑑 ; 管理學門 ; SCI/SSCI ; Journal Classification ; Evaluation of University ; Evaluation of Discipline ; Management Discipline




12卷4期(2005 / 10 / 01)


99 - 127






The quality and quantity of papers published in academic journals is an important base for evaluating universities' research performance. In a recent research, Liang et al. (2003) proposed academic journal ranking lists for the major fields in management discipline. According to these ranking lists, this study surveys the publishing status of Taiwan's Management discipline in the duration from 1999 to 2003, as well as assesses the research performance of each area. The results reveal many interesting phenomena, including: (1) the annual growth rate of papers published by Taiwan's researchers is higher than that of the globe; this increasing mainly came from the areas of information and general management; (2) the areas of production management (PM), information management (IM), and general management (GM) contributed the largest percentage of total papers published in the globe, but papers published by Taiwan's scholars mainly came from areas of PM and IM; (3) the percentage of articles published by Taiwan's scholars to that of the globe, though increased slightly, was still small. The PM area constitutes the largest percentage of total published papers, but the IM area has the highest annual growth rate. Hence, these two fields were the most competitive areas in the management discipline of Taiwan; (4) As to the performance of each respective university, this study found that national universities were always better performed in areas more than private and technological universities were. National Chiao-Tung and Cheng-Kung Universities did the best in the PM field. National Sun Yat-Sen and Central Universities performed very well in the IM field. National Cheng-Chi University achieves the top performance in the business administration field, it is also interesting to note that National Chiao-Tung and Tsing-Hwa university, traditionally better performed in science and engineering fields, were also performed very well in this area. National Cheng-Chi and Taiwan universities were the top performers in the finance-&-accounting field. Finally, we found that National Taiwan University has the most number of top ranked journal papers.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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