


Synergy of Feature Advertisements, Sales Promotion and Brand Tier Positioning


張愛華(Ai-Hwa Chang);陳仁惠(Jen-Huei Chen);張馨云(Hsin-Yun Chang)


價格促銷 ; 贈品促銷 ; 主題廣告 ; 品牌層級 ; 整合行銷傳播 ; Brand tier ; Feature advertisement ; Preminu promotion ; Price promotion




13卷1期(2006 / 01 / 01)


15 - 46






This study examines the joint effects of feature advertisement, types of promotion, and brand tier positioning strategy on onsumer choice. We also examined whether product type-hedonic versus utilitarian-moderated the promotional effect of various types of promotion activities. Using a 2 (mode of product presentation) x 2 (product type) x 2 (brand tiers) x 3 (type of promotion activities) mix-factorial experimental design, we obtained the conclusions as follows: (1) When products are directly compared, the promotion effect of price discount (or premium) on low-tier brand is better than that of on high-tier brand. (2) When feature advertisements (a type of promotion characterized by lower degree of comparison between products) and premium promotions are applied simultaneously, the difference of promotion effects of price discount (or premium) on different tiers of brands are insignificant. (3) The promotional effect of hedonic premium for a hedonic product tends to be better than that of price promotion; however the difference is not significant. The effect of functional premium for a functional product is equal to or even better than that of price discount. Thus the results partially support the principle of interest congruency in promotion design.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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