


A Study on the Interactions between Consumers and Organizations with Different Learning Strategies


呂德財(Te-Tsai Lu);陳重臣(Jong-Chen Chen);廖國勛(Guo-Xun Liao)


人工世界 ; 不連續事件模擬 ; 市場導向 ; 組織學習 ; 消費者行為 ; Artificial World ; Discrete-events Simulation ; Market Orientation ; Organizational Learning ; Consumer Behavior




14卷2期(2007 / 04 / 01)


179 - 207




近年來,企業面對全球化的市場競爭壓力與消費者的自主性與選擇機會增加的結果,促使企業必須因應外在環境的變化與消費者個人偏好進行學習與調適的活動,因此,企業如何針對消費者的需求進行組織學習乃是重要的研究課題之一。Stata(1989)指出組織學習的速率會明顯的影響其競爭優勢,而March(1991)更是建議組織必須採用不同寬狹目標的學習策略,以面對不同的競爭環境。本研究以不連續事件的模擬方法,建立一個組織與消費者之間動態的人工世界,目的是希望探討採用不同學習策略的組織,在面對不同特質的消費者時,其彼此之間的互動情形。本研究所採用的實驗設計是起源於Narver and Slater(1990)所主張的市場導向理論(Market Orientation Theory),即組織必須向競爭者學習,並設計兩項實驗:第一是探討組織採用「快速」、「中速」、「緩慢」三種不同向競爭者學習的「學習速度」策略對其競爭力的影響;第二是探討組織採用「單一」、「略多」、「多」三種不同「學習對象」策略對其競爭力的影響。實驗結果顯示,組織採用學習策略可以提高其競爭力,但在學習的初期,組織採用「緩慢」學習策略,可以避免產生一窩蜂學習所產生的反效果。其次,在環境變動不大的環境中,組織採用「單一」學習目標,可以得到不錯的學習效果,然而,當環境變動相對較大時,組織應採用相對「較多」的學習目標較為適當。


In recent years, enterprises have been confronted by increasing growth of the pressure from market globalization, consumer autonomy, and customer choices. The consequence is that enterprises must make some appropriate adjustments or learning so as to cope with the changes in external environments. Thus, one of the important issues is how an enterprise performs organizational learning to meet the need of consumers. Stata (1989) points out that the rates of organizational learning will greatly affect its competitiveness. March (1991) also proposes that an organization must adopt different learning targets strategies for different environments. In this study, we construct an artificial world to investigate the dynamics of interactions between organizations and consumers. The purpose is to investigate the effects of organizations adopting different learning strategies when facing different consumer environments. Motivated by the ”market orientation theory” proposed by Narver and Slater (1990), we set up two experiments. The first is to study the effects of different learning rates adopted by the organizations (”fast”, ”moderate”, ”slow”) on consumers. The second category is to study the effects of different number of learning targets adopted by the organizations (”single”, ”few”, ”many”) on consumers. Experimental results show that organizational learning provides organizations a chance to increase its competitiveness. In the early stage of learning, it might be better to adopt the ”slow” learning rate strategy for avoiding the counter effect caused by over learning. Instead, it may be better to adopt the ”slow” learning strategy. On the other hand, it is better to adopt the ”single” learning target strategy in a comparatively stable environment and the ”many” learning target strategy in a comparatively dynamic environment.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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