


Determinants of the Valuation of Intangible Assets between Countries-A Contrast between Taiwanese and American IC Design Houses


朱博湧(Po-Yung Chu);熊杏華(Hsing-Hwa Hsiung);楊川毅(Chuan-Yi Yang)


無形資產 ; 智慧資本 ; IC設計產業 ; 企業評價 ; 科技管理 ; Intangible Assets ; Intellectual Capital ; IC Design House ; Business Evaluation ; Technology Management




14卷2期(2007 / 04 / 01)


239 - 264




在知識經濟時代,無形資產管理不僅攸關組織價值,且為企業成長之重要關鍵;然而,如何決定無形資產價值評估的方式,與確認無形資產的決定因子乃為二大難題。本研究第一個目的,乃以美國及台灣IC設計公司為例,以五種無形資產的評價模式,分別計算兩地公司的無形資產價值。研究結論指出於資本市場化法下美國IC設計公司之無形資產價值高於台灣;於資產報酬法下,無形資產的價值,並不與當期資產報酬劃上等號,然而,台灣公司則否,比較上相對同步。本文的第二個目的,乃以財務及智慧資本構面構成的26個因子,以因素分析法,分別萃取出8種創造無形資產價值的主要組成項目,採用縱橫資料(panel data)模式以逐步迴歸分析確定攸關因子對各種評價方式的解釋程度。研究結論指出,美國IC設計企業偏向永續經營觀點,重視研發效益;而台灣公司最重視之因素為當期的獲利表現,偏向速成觀點,個別企業經營風險雖較低,但不利產業深耕發展。此外,本研究設計採用多項財務相關指標下,美國IC設計產業之無形價值驅動因子較台灣難以掌握與衡量。


In the knowledge economy, the analysis of intangible resources affects an organization's value and growth. The choosing of the evaluation model and the critical factors for intangible assets both are the most difficult issues to determine. The first purpose of this study employs five evaluation models to compute the intangible value of IC design houses in US and Taiwan. The results show that the value of IC design houses in US is higher than Taiwanese by market capital methods. By contrast, the value of Taiwanese IC design houses is more consistent with return of asset methods comparing to US. The second purpose of this paper is to investigate the compositions of intangible assets between Taiwanese and American IC designing house industry by examining the possible elements which is determined by the different aspects of the relationship between intangible determinates and intangible value. We constructed 26 items from financial and intellectual capital aspects. Results of factor analysis indicated 8 main attributes of intangible value. Results of stepwise regression indicated that current profitability attributes are the most important attribute to predict intangible value in Taiwanese, and research performance are the most important attribute in US. These findings present that US designing houses is more long-running business oriented than Taiwanese short-running business oriented.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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