


The Influence of Perceived Time Pressure on Consumer Psychological Variable in Internet Promotion


鄧景宜(Ching-I Teng);黃麗霞(Li-Shia Huang);陳潤安(Jun-An Chen);饒翊平(I-Ping Jao)


網路促銷 ; 知覺時間壓力 ; 消費者心理變數 ; 結構方程式 ; Internet promotion ; perceived time pressure ; consumer psychological variables ; structural equation modeling




14卷3期(2007 / 07 / 01)


387 - 407






This study discusses the influence of perceived time pressure on consumer psychological variables involving time-constrained Internet promotions. Transaction utility theory and risk-taking theory are applied to integrating perceived time pressure, perceived risk, perceived quality, perceived value, perceived fulfillment of shopping task, customer satisfaction, and repurchase intention. This study found that perceived time pressure increases perceived risk while decreases perceived quality and perceived fulfillment of shopping task given the same time constraint imposed on participants, and indirectly lowers customer satisfaction and repurchase intention.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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