


Individual Learning in Group: Effects of Decision Procedure and Information Sharing Type


楊仁壽(Jen-Shou Yang);卓秀足(Hsiu-Tsu Cho);李怡穎(Yi-In Lee)


團體中個人學習 ; 團體學習 ; 決策程序 ; 資訊分享型態 ; 團體資訊處理 ; Individual learning in group ; Group learning ; Decision procedure ; Information sharing type ; Group information processing




14卷4期(2007 / 10 / 01)


647 - 670






This study was based on the perspectives of group information processing and group learning. By an experimental design, this study aimed to examine the effects of decision procedure and information sharing type on individual learning, i.e. decision accuracy and error correction during the information sharing and solution discussion phases in a group decision setting. This experiment was a 2×2 factorial design, which included the decision procedure (information sharing first/ individual decision first) and the information sharing types (complete/interpretive). The 132 participants arrayed into 44 three-person groups performed on a simulated company decision task. Results revealed: (1) Individual learning shown on the information sharing phases: the information sharing types influenced the individual information absorption and the integration. Under the complete information sharing condition, individual decision accuracy was higher because of the additional information obtained from others. (2) Individual learning shown on the solution discussion phase: the information sharing types prior to the discussions influenced individual learning on the group discussion phase. Under the complete information sharing condition, both of the individual decision accuracy and error correction were higher than the interpretive one. (3) The decision procedure influenced the individual learning during the solution discussion phase: under the individual decision first condition, the individual learning and error correction have increased. When participants made decisions based on partial information, they would promote the motivation of listening and dealing with the new information and the willingness of modifying answers because of the awareness of lacking information. Implications to individual learning in the group setting from the perspectives of group information processing and group learning were discussed.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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