


A Research of the Relationship among Business Green Management, Environmental Performance and Competitive Advantage


高明瑞(Ming-Rea Kao);劉常勇(Chang-Yung Liu);黃義俊(Yi-Chun Huang);張乃仁(Nai-Jen Chang)


企業綠色管理 ; 環境績效 ; 競爭優勢 ; Business Green Management ; Environmental Performance ; Competitive Advantage




17卷2期(2010 / 04 / 01)


255 - 278




有關企業與綠色管理的議題在近幾年愈來愈受重視。環境績效對於競爭優勢的影響也備受關心。本研究在探討企業綠色管理對於環境績效與競爭優勢的影響,以及環境績效對於競爭優勢的影響,並探討環境績效在企業綠色管理與競爭優勢之間的角色。本研究以台灣地區於2006年12月底前獲得ISO 14001認證的廠家為實證研究對象。研究結果發現,企業綠色管理對環境績效與競爭優勢有顯著的正向影響;環境績效對競爭優勢也有顯著的正向影響。最後,環境績效在企業綠色管理與競爭優勢之間扮演部份中介的角色。


The issues on business and green management have been more and more emphasized in recent year. The influence of environmental performance on competitive advantage are also be concerned. This research discusses the influence of corporate green management on the environmental performance and competitive advantage, the influence of environmental performance on competitive advantage, and the role of environmental performance between corporate green management and competitive advantage. This research takes firms which have earned the ISO 14001 certificates prior to the end of 2006 as an empirical subject. The results show that corporate green management has significantly positive influence on environmental performance and competitive advantage, and that environmental performance also has significantly positive influence on competitive advantage. Lastly, environmental performance plays a partial mediator between environmental performance and competitive advantage.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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