


Optimal Disassembly and Recycling Process for End-of-Life Electronic Products under Multiple Criteria


李珣琮(Shun-Chung Lee);施勵行(Li-Hsing Shih);簡重光(Chung-Kuang Jien)


妥協規劃法 ; 拆解回收 ; 產品壽命終了 ; 啓發式求解法 ; 多目標最佳化 ; Compromise Programming ; Disassembly and Recycling ; End-of-Life ; Heuristics ; Multi-Criteria Optimization




17卷3期(2010 / 07 / 01)


527 - 558




近年來,由於歐盟WEEE(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)回收指令以及生產者責任的義務,企業愈來愈重視產品的回收程序及相關的回收成本與對環境影響的評估方法,期望能夠在產品回收的過程中同時兼顧賺取經濟利潤與減少環境衝擊,並在這二者相衝突的目標之間找出最佳的組合。本文提出啟發式求解法求解此多目標最佳化問題,目的在求出達到最大經濟效益與最小環境衝擊之產品壽命終了(end-of-life, EOL)時的回收程序,此求解法的主要精神是利用電子產品回收時的特性,快速搜尋回收程序的可行解,進而找出主要的柏拉圖解,並運用妥協規劃法求解最佳解。本文以筆記型電腦爲案例,說明EOL回收程序最佳化的求解過程,如何配置出EOL產品之人工拆解-粉碎回收-廢棄物處置等回收方式的最佳組合,並求解筆記型電腦中每一個模組應拆解到何時,方可對經濟效益及環境衝擊有最佳的妥協效果。此外,文末同時探討未來當筆記型電腦採用最新的產品設計技術時,對最佳化回收程序可能產生的影響。


Recently, due to EU's Directive of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) recycling end-of-life products has caught a lot of attention of enterprises worldwide. How to take care of both economic and environment aspects in recycling products becomes an emerging issue. This study proposes a heuristic method to find optimal disassembly and recycling process for end-of-life electrical and electronic products with consideration of minimizing cost and environmental impact. The proposed method uses characteristics of recycling electronic products to evaluate most possible recycling and disassembly processes and then obtain Pareto solutions. Compromise programming method is also used to find optimal process for the bi-criteria problem. Notebook computer is taken as an illustrative example to demonstrate the proposed solution process. Optimal combination of manual disassembly, shredding for material recycling and waste disposal is obtained. Both Pareto solutions and optimal solution by compromise programming are presented. Finally, the influences of several new technologies on the optimal process are also discussed.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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