


Continuous Growth or Growth Setback: Considering the Effect of Slack Resources and Self-Selection Bias


曾真真(Jen-Jen Tseng);高子荃(Tzu-Chuan Kao)


剩餘資源 ; 自我選擇偏誤 ; 持續成長 ; 中斷成長 ; Slack Resources ; Self-selection Bias ; Continuous Growth ; Growth Setback




18卷1期(2011 / 01 / 01)


71 - 91






A firm's growth decision depended on its own resources and manager given its insight into the opportunities from external environment. Therefore, the firm's growth decision is not made at a random, but is mangers to self-select into their preferred strategies. In other words, there is a potential of self-selection bias in growth decision. If the self-selection bias is not taken into account then any conclusions drawn may be invalid. Hence, this paper controls self-selection bias via Heckman's two-stage decision model. The first stage, this paper utilizes a Probit model to examine a firm's slack resources whether or not influenced its growth decision for 690 samples of publicly traded electronics industry. And the inverse Mills ratio that corrects for self-selection matters in the second stage OLS regression for both continuous growth and setback growth samples. The empirical results of the first stage, we found that the relationship between financial resources and the probability of continuous growth is a U-shaped relationship. In additon, the relationship between intangible resources and the probability of continuous growth is an inverse U-shaped relationship. The second stage, we found that there is a positive relationship between firm growth and performance when the self-selection bias has been controlled.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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