To reduce high concentration of budget execution at yearends and improve budget execution rate at other times, the government in 2001 initiated the Semi-annual Balance Statement (SBS), which increases monitoring frequency by adding a mid-year review of budget execution. In an attempt to help understand how this system works in practice, we take Defense units as an example and conduct an empirical study using data in the period between 1998 and 2004. Our findings show that the SBS only worked for the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) budget, not for the Military Capital (MC) budget, for the first year of adoption. However, in our extended sample, we find that the SBS had a significant impact on both O&M budget and MC budget execution, indicating that there exists an agency problem in the area of public budget execution. More importantly, our results demonstrate that increase in monitoring frequency can mitigate the agency problem and, thus, produce higher execution rate.
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