


The Effect of Perceived Fairness with Service Recovery on Repatronage Intentions in Health Care


丁秋瑤(Chiu-Yao Ting);余泰魁(Tai-Kuei Yu);蘇純繒(Chwen-Tzeng Su)


公平理論 ; 服務失誤 ; 抱怨行爲 ; 服務補救 ; 再惠顧意向 ; Equity Theory ; Service Failure ; Complaint Behavior ; Service Recovery ; Repatronage Intention




18卷2期(2011 / 04 / 01)


341 - 369




本研究主要目的在於建立醫療機構服務補救模式,參酌公平理論(equity theory)、服務補救(service recovery)等領域的相關文獻,修訂成爲醫療機構服務補救模式。研究對象爲蒐集民眾對醫療機構服務接觸產生服務失誤(service failure)者,而醫療機構提出相對應服務補救措施,來評估民眾知覺服務補救過程是否獲得公平對待,而後產生再惠顧意向,回收樣本共計498份有效樣本。本研究應用問卷調查方式與結構模式分析,探討民眾對醫療機構的服務補救策略與再惠顧意向間的關係。本研究建立的研究模式均獲得良好的信度、效度,研究結果發現服務補救公平性正向顯著影響服務補救滿意度及口碑宣傳;再惠顧意向受到服務補救滿意度與口碑宣傳正向顯著影響;服務補救滿意度正向顯著影響口碑宣傳。最後根據研究結果提出理論與實務意涵,並建議未來的研究方向。


The purpose of this article is to develop a service recovery model of healthcare institutions. This study reviews the literature relating to equity theory and service recovery. Data was collected 498 valid samples from the complaint behavior of residents resulted from their experiences in receiving the service failures from healthcare institutions, a questionnaire and a structural equation modeling was then used to explore the relationships of interest. The model developed in this study had excellent reliability and validity. The findings show that fairness with service recovery of healthcare institutions is related to satisfaction with service recovery and WOM; satisfaction with service recovery and WOM is related to repatronage intention; satisfaction with service recovery is related to WOM. Based on the finding, some implications for practice and theory, and the suggestions for future study.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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