


The Ranking of FDI Location Choice Behavior of Taiwanese Firms in China: Application of the Hierarchical Bayes Rank-Ordered Logistic Regression Model


陳靜怡(Ching-I Chen)


區位選擇順序 ; 層級貝氏模型 ; 順序羅吉斯迴歸模型 ; Rank of Location Choice ; Hierarchical Bayes Model ; Rank-Ordered Logistic Regression Model




18卷4期(2011 / 10 / 01)


719 - 743






This study examines the location advantage theory and the internationalization process from the ranking of locations of foreign direct investment (FDI) decided by Taiwanese firms in Mainland China. The typical approach to estimating effects of location-specific determinants usually uses two kinds of dependent variables, the aggregate amount of investment located in a location and the probability of FDI located in a location. However, the formal one is unable to capture firm-level decision behaviors, and the latter one is difficultly used to estimate firm-level parameters. Therefore, our model employs the ranks of FDI location chosen by firms as the dependent variable to evaluate firm-level preference structure of location advantages and learning effects measured by the effects of location-specific determinants such as market potential, labor cost, and transportation cost, and of the time to prepare for FDI on the ranks of FDI locations. Different from the traditional model estimating average effects, we adopt an HB ROLR model which can integrate different data sources to capture the heterogeneity among firm-level preferences regarding the features of FDI locations. This study also examines the research hypotheses with statements of a proportion of firms based on the logics of the resource-based view.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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