


Integrated DFX (Design For eXcellence) KnowledgeManagement System for the Notebook Industries


林建煌(Chien-Huang Lin);許美玲(Mei-Ling Hsu);許棟樑(Daniel D. Sheu);陳大仁(Da-Ren Chen)


OBM ; DFX ; 知識管理系統 ; DFX設計屬性審閱平台 ; 筆記型電腦產業 ; OBM-based ; Design For Excellence (DFX) ; Knowledge Management System ; Cross-functional Review Platform ; Notebook Computer Industry




19卷1期(2012 / 01 / 01)


169 - 499




本研究旨在建立一個以筆記型電腦產業的新產品開發參考流程為框架的整合件優質設計(design for excellence;DFX)之知識管理系統。此系統利用整合性優質設計的概念,透過知識庫設計,可以針對新產品設計流程提供跨功能部門審閱,將各部門的流程衝突清楚呈現,並且改善、增加跨功能部門溝通效率。本研究之研究貢獻包括:(1)提供個以自有品牌(own branding & manufacturing;OBM)為基礎的改良式新產品導入流程參考模型,以改善現有新產品導入流程中因多面向優質設計(multiple DFX)缺失而衍生的研發問題;(2)建立整合優質設計知識管理系統的共同知識分類架構、資訊流程以及資料轉移架構設計;(3)設計整合性優質設計知識管理系統的實體架構,使得跨地域DFX設計屬性審閱能夠正確的被管理與執行。


The study establishes a prototype knowledge management system to support an integrated design for excellence (DFX) framework for new product introduction process of notebook industries. The system supports the concept of DFX (design for multiple X) by providing a framework for cross-functional reviews of new product design process in order to improve the cross-functional communications and expose the cross-functional conflicts through the integrated design for excellence review platform. Using product introduction processes in notebook computer industry as an example, the contributions of the work include: (1) Proposing an improved OBM-based NPI (new product introduction) reference process model which corrected exist problems in NPI processes due to inefficiency in multiple DFX defects. (2) Designing a knowledge classification scheme, the information flow, and data transformation scheme to support a DFX-based knowledge management system; (3) Implementing a knowledge management system prototype to support a related cross-functional review platform for DFX design attributes.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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