


The Effects of Incongruity between the Product Country-of-Origin Associations and Advertising Messages


林正士(Cheng-Shih Lin);練乃華(Nai-Hwa Lien);周軒逸(Hsuan-Yi Chou)


來源國 ; 基模理論 ; 不一致效果 ; Country of Origin ; Schema Theory ; Effects of Incongruity




19卷3期(2012 / 07 / 01)


409 - 431






The effects of advertising message incongruity have been widely discussed, but the conclusions are still varied. Recently, several studies have provided a few insights on how the degree of incongruity between attitudinal objects and their associated schemas affects consumers' message processing and judgment, demonstrating that moderate incongruity is more effective in advertising than extreme congruity and incongruity. However, few incongruity-related studies explore the role and effects of product country-of-origin (COO) information or COO-based schema. Therefore, this paper focuses on COO-based schema and explores how consumers respond to the incongruent information in advertising that is generated by the relationship between COO-based associations and advertising headlines/pictures. The experimental results indicate that the degree of incongruity has a significant impact on advertising effectiveness. Moderate incongruity elicits more favorable product-related thoughts and attitudes from consumers toward advertisements and products than extreme congruity and incongruity. Consumers' curiosity and interest positively mediate the effects of incongruity on their attitudinal responses. Moreover, consumers' individual traits, including dogmatism and need for cognition, moderate the effects of incongruity on advertisements. The implication of these and other findings are discussed.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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