


Trading Behaviors and Influential Factors of Mutual Fund Managers


林美珍(Mei-Chen Lin);馬麗菁(Li-Ching Ma)


處分效果 ; 共同基金 ; 資料探勘 ; 決策樹 ; Disposition Effec ; Mutual Fund ; Data Mining ; Decision Tree




19卷3期(2012 / 07 / 01)


495 - 525






This paper examines the trading behaviors of mutual fund managers and their associated determinants by focusing on the disposition effect, the tendency to hold losing trades longer than winning ones. Fund managers are prone to realize gains of the non-top-performing stocks, and prefer to realize losses of the worst-performing stocks. The proportion of gains realized (PGR) is 4.73% lower than the proportion of losses realized (PLR), which provides evidence against the disposition effect. The decisions to realize gains and losses are correlated with price and return intervals of stocks. With the application of data mining, the volatility of stock returns and the debt ratio of stocks, as well as the turnover ratio of mutual fund are the major factors for fund managers' investing decisions. This implies that the stock's risk level and the transaction costs play important roles in their decision-making.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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