


A Study of Industry-university Collaborative Behavior from the Perspective of Dynamic Capability


許瓊文(Chiung-Wen Hsu);張保隆(Pao-Long Chang)


產學合作 ; 研發合作 ; 合作行為 ; 動態能力 ; Industry-university Collaboration ; R&D Collaboration ; Collaborative Behavior ; Dynamic Capability




20卷1期(2013 / 01 / 01)


1 - 26






Industry-university collaborations are regarded as a key component for developing a national innovation system. Taiwan, which has limited resources, should place more emphasis on fostering such collaborations. This has also become a critical strategy for companies to obtain technology resources externally with the emergence of open innovation concepts. However, it is believed there is further scope for improving the effectiveness of industry-university collaboration. This study aims to construct a model that explains the capabilities of industry-university collaboration on research and development (R&D) in Taiwan. Firms can facilitate the process of collaboration through the construction of collaborative capabilities. The research process was undertaken in two stages. First, a survey questionnaire was used to explore firms' characteristics that determine their motivation toward industry-university collaboration on R&D. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted to illustrate the reasons for undertaking collaborations. The findings show that firms with high technology, that are large in size, and have high demand in terms of R&D capacity are more willing to enter into such collaborations on R&D. These firms are also inclined to have four types of abilities: the ability to identify environmental demand, to form social networks, to absorb academic resources, and to communicate and coordinate effectively. Endowed with these four capabilities, these firms are shown to have high motivation to undertake industry-university collaborations on R&D in order to deal with dynamic changes in the environment. Collaborations are also considered beneficial for transforming academic resources into competitive corporate advantages. The research findings have contributed to extending the theoretical foundation of collaborative capabilities between industries and universities as well as providing explanations for their behaviors. In terms of business implications, the four capabilities identified can serve as guidelines for firms to manage their industry-university collaborations on R&D and to use academic resources in an effective manner.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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