In the past, the computer repair service provides customers only one choice with the same due date and charge, which can not meet the increasing needs of priority repair service. Hence, differential service model is in need. In this paper, a differential pricing method is proposed. First of all, the market is segmented into several categories. Then the best price portfolio for categories under some tolerable order acceptance probability is found based on the maximal gross profit criterion. The results show 19% profit increases for this proposed method compared with the existing method adopted by computer repair service industry under 85% tolerable order acceptance probability. In addition, the profit for the proposed heuristic in this paper is 0.8% less than that of the proposed differential pricing method. Furthermore, the CPU time for the proposed heuristic is much less than that for the proposed differential pricing method. Some sensitivity analysis is performed. It shows when the arrival rate is faster than the processing rate, the profit and order acceptance probability decrease.
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