


Exploring the Influences of City Image on Event Spillover Effects and Political Participation by the 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition


車成緯(Cheng-Wei Che);李青松(Ching-Sung Lee)


活動外溢效果 ; 城市意象 ; 政治參與 ; 大型活動 ; 臺北花博 ; Event Spillover Effect ; City Image ; Political Participation ; Mega Event ; Taipei International Flora Exposition




22卷3期(2015 / 07 / 01)


249 - 272






The goal effectiveness of a city to host a mega event is to spread city and national image. This study was to investigate whether even spillover effects and political participation influence city image. By employing "2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition" as an example, questionnaires were collected on site, and the targeting population of this study was non-resident participants (those who do not live in Taipei city and New Taipei City). Study findings reveal that event spillover effects positively influence city image, yet political participation negatively influences city image. Further, we found event spillover effects do neutralize the negative influence of political participation on city image. This study suggests that spreading event spillover effects not only increase city image but also decrease negative influence from political issues in hosting a mega event. Benefits of hosting a mega event help raise city popularity and beautify city image, which is a fundamental to become a world-class city.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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