


Measurement Invariance of Consumer Style Inventory Across Gender on Young


李俊賢(Chun-Hsien Lee);黃芳銘(Fang-Ming Hwang);李孟芳(Meng-Fang Li)


消費型態量表 ; 測量恆等性 ; Consumer Styles Inventory ; Measurement Invariance




23卷2期(2016 / 04 / 01)


273 - 302




本研究檢定消費者型態量表(Consumer Style Inventory, CSI,原始量表是由Sproles和Kendall在1986年所提出)於台灣年輕族群的性別(男生344人,女生400人)測量恆等性的程度。驗證性因素分析結果顯示八因子CSI(完美品質、物超所值、品牌意識、新穎流行、娛樂購物、慣性品牌、衝動消費、抉擇困擾)在性別群體上的有區別效度與信度分別得到支持。多群體模式支持男女在形貌、尺度、因素共變數與變異數等皆具恆等性。而物超所值與衝動消費這兩因素只具有部分截距與測量誤恆等,娛樂購物此一因素則不具備性別的測量恆等。最後,針對八個因素做因素平均數的恆等性檢定時,呈現出個別因素有其性別的差異。其中,女性在物超所值、新穎流行、慣性品牌與衝動消費等四個因素平均數較男性高,但在品牌意識則低於男性,而完美品質與決擇困擾則無顯著差異。本研究亦就測量恆等性的檢測結果進行說明並提出在消費者行為後續研究與應用的建議。


The Consumer Styles Inventory developed by Sproles and Kendall (1986) was used in this study as measurement and referred by Shim (1996) points examined the extent of measurement invariance of the Consumer Styles Inventory (CSI; Sham, 1996, the original was proposed by Sproles and Kendall in 1986) across male (n=344) and female (n=400) young. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed the discriminant validity and scale reliability of 8-factor CSI (i.e., perfectionism, high-quality conscious (PQ), price-conscious and value-for-money (PV), brand conscious and price equals quality (BP), novelty-fashion conscious (NF), recreational and hedonistic (RH), habitual and brand-loyal (HB), impulsive and careless (IM), and confused by overchoice (CO)) were supported for both gender groups separately. The multi-group models supported the configural (eight factors model) and metrical invariance, factor variances and factor covariances invariance across gender. Two factors (PV and IM) were supported partial scale invariance and partial measurement error invariance of the CSI responses across gender and one factor (RH) was not supported gender measurement invariance. The test of the equivalence of factor means also represented young gender difference in CSI factors individually. The female factor means of PV, NF, HB, and IM were higher than male but the male factor mean of BP was higher than female. In addition, the factor means of PQ and CO were not significantly different across gender. The implications of the findings for research and practice in consumer behavior are discussed.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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