
Internationalization Processes and Organizational Size: The Moderating Effects of Business Groups




林玟廷(Wen-Ting Lin)


友誼型集團企業 ; 家族型集團企業 ; 國際化速度 ; 國際化寬度 ; 組織規模 ; Friendship Business Group ; Family Business Group ; Internationalization Pace ; Internationalization Scope ; Organizational Size




23卷3期(2016 / 07 / 01)


303 - 328






Based on the information-processing perspective, this article examines the relationship between the pace and scope of firm internationalization and organizational size. Additionally, as contextual variables, for example, business groups may have a moderating influence on organizational size. The analysis involves a sample of 772 publicly listed firms in Taiwan over a period of nine years (2000-2008). The findings indicate that the pace and scope of internationalization positively influence organizational size. It is also observed that when a firm is affiliated with a business group based on friendship, the relationship between the pace and scope of firm internationalization and organizational size will be positively moderated, and when a firm is affiliated with a family business group, the relationship between the pace and scope of firm internationalization and organizational size will be negatively moderated. This research contributes to the literature linking corporate strategy in firm internationalization with organizational theory.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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